Happy 2025!

This New Year of 2025 is bringing a lot of changes & exciting workshops that you will want to learn! If you want to learn something that we don't offer, let us know and we will teach it!

Notice our hours are now changed to open only for workshops & parties. If you want to have a private workshop/party, let us know! And we can make that happen with only a minimum of 10 people...bring your sips & snacks!

If you love our retail items, you are in luck, and can order those online to be customized just the way you like!

Shop Online Here

We are NOW located at

22155 Level Street, Ste. B, Abita Springs, LA 70420

(next to Town Hall, in the back building)

WWL TV debut...

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"Open" means anyone can join in but you MUST register in advance! This ensures your spot at the event and you can pre-order any project you would like to create!

"Drop In" means you can stop in at anytime during those hours and pick a project that we have already cut out and ready for you!


Private or Open Paint parties, workshops and events available! If you want to book one, contact this chick!